Thursday, December 10, 2009


this week's battle:

provender: /prä-ven-der/

1 : dry food for domestic animals

2 : food, victuals


cogitate: /koj-i-teyt/

1. to think hard; ponder; meditate
2. to think about; devise

last week's word winner:


you'd think MW would be on the ball with this action. so far as i can tell they have no idea that their WOTDs are being evaluated and pitted again dictionary's WOTDs in a hipster(ish) battle royale to see which word has the most esoteric value or emotional pull. i can understand where they're coming from though. you start out working at MW in the WOTD department. you're eyes are sparkly and filled with hopeful-hoping that finally (finally!) will your life amount to something more than a series of drunken adventures sprawled out across your facebook page only to find that everyone you work with has been so beaten down by the juggernaut that is MW that little hope exists to find self worth from your occupation much less actually being ok with getting up in the morning and picking a good WOTD until one day you find yourself hunched over a dictionary with your eyes closed saying "eenee, meenee, minee....awww fuck" that kind of thing. so anyways, pundit never had a chance. myrmidon wins.

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