Wednesday, December 9, 2009

ratiocination: /rash-ee-os-uh-ney-shuh/

the process of logical reasoning

how to use in casual conversation:

"there are somethings in this life, things so important that they cannot be left to ratiocination to solve"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

now that's what i call a WOTD. i count six syllables (via the hand clapping method, i.e. rat-i-o-cin-a-tion). i think WOTDs should be at least five. yesterday Merriam-Webster's WOTD was fiery. fiery?!? are you f__king kidding me? as in "of, relating to, or characterized by fire"? i call b.s. today was technically supposed to be a word-off but ratiocination makes me happy so i'm holding off until tomorrow. actually "ratiocination" makes me happy. ratiocination actually once made me exceptionally miserable. well it wasn't ratiocination's fault, but rather my attempt to apply it to every life decision which led to long string of compromises until one day i realized that all my decisions had made me exceptionally miserable. that's more like it. you know what else makes me miserable? nothing really, except mushrooms but they don't really make me miserable as much as they taste like earth. anyways, i know that pointed indignance can be quite humorous i.e. bill maher or dennis leary before he went batshit but i am neither bill maher or dennis leary or george carlin for that matter, which is why you must believe that i'm not nearly as angry as some of my posts would make me seem. i am just as much of a drunk though (don't tell anybody) and there ain't nothing ratiocinative about that. booyah!

note from the author:

yes. i said "booyah!".

1 comment:

  1. Keep thinking, ratiocination
    Wheels turning
    Thoughts so strong
    Keep thinking, ratiocination
    Problem solving
    Moving on...
