Wednesday, July 21, 2010


occlude: /uh-klood/

1. to shut in, out, or off.
physical chemistry - (of certain metals and other solids) to incorporate (gases and other foreign substances), as by absorption or adsorption.
dentistry - to shut or close, with the cusps of the opposing teeth of the upper and lower jaws fitting together.

last week's result:

according to a weighted average of your votes,
spoor is a:


(2.875 to be precise)

....which sucks because y'all gave gizmo the same rating as spoor. spoor. really? i don't even think spoor deserves to be considered a word. plus, we already have a word for spoor. it's called 'track'. track isn't exciting but it isn't spoor. spoor feels like something someone does to you, not something you do an animal...i.e. "OMG, he took me back to his place, we started making out, i'm totally into it, then all the sudden he starts to spoor me! do i look like someone who'd wanna spoor? freaking pervert!"

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

impedimenta: /im-ped-uh-men-tuh/

baggage or other things that retard one's progress

how to use in casual conversation:

"i have too much
impedimenta to be in a relationship, baby"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

impeded. it's a good word. it's a latin derivative. latin is good. i like latin. yet for some reason i just kinda wanna nod my head and go "yup". and be done with it. but that wouldn't be fair to you. i figure you come here to read something. right? so how about this....

a story:

the why isn't important but my friend and I ended up walking home from a party a couple weeks ago. i was pretty hungry so we stopped for a burritos on "the ave".

my friend had to wait for the 44, so as we were walking down the ave to his stop he decided to take his burritos out and try to eat it. just as he took it out of the bag, the obviously intoxicated, heavy-set, young asian man randomly sitting on the stairs jumps up and just grabs at my friend's burrito.

at this point I was still buzzed and confused as shit. the only thing I could think to do was very sternly say "nooooooo!", in exactly the way you would reprimand a child or domestic animal.

apparently that was enough.

the only thing fatty could do was say "noooooo!" back, following it up with "ill stab you!". but seeing as how he said that as he was awkwardly positioning his jolly frame back down onto the stairs we found him on, I didn't take it to be a credible threat and we kept walking.

the moral of the story? don't mess with my friend's burrito or i will scold you!

Friday, July 16, 2010


subtilize: /suht-l-ahyz/

–verb (used with object)
1. to elevate in character; sublimate.
2. to make (the mind, senses, etc.) keen or discerning; sharpen.
3. to introduce subtleties into or argue subtly about.
4. to make thin, rare, or more fluid or volatile; refine.
–verb (used without object)
5. to make subtle distinctions or to argue subtly.

vestigial: /ve-stij-ee-uh/

of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a vestige

spoor: /spohr/

1. a track or trail, esp. that of a wild animal pursued as game.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
2. to track by or follow a spoor.

brannigan: /bran-i-guhn/

1. a carouse.
2. a squabble; brawl.

undercast: /uhn-der-kast/

1. mining - a crossing of two passages, as airways, dug at the same level so that one descends to pass beneath the other without any opening into it.
meteorology - an overcast layer of clouds viewed from above

last week's word winner:


i know, i thought it was a weird result too. i'm gonna chalk this exercise in poor taste up to the fact that none of you had a proper appreciation for gremlins during y'alls childhoods.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

brannigan: /bran-i-guhn/

1. a carouse.
2. a squabble.
3. this guy...

how to use in causal conversation:

"there is something about your face that makes me want to start a

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

anything that allows me to make a futurama reference is A-OK by me.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


spoor: /spohr/

1. a track or trail, esp. that of a wild animal pursued as game.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
2. to track by or follow a spoor.

last week's result:

according to a weighted average of your votes gizmo is a:


(2.538461538 to be precise)

argh. gizmo! i love gizmo! i'll admit, it's a lousy word. even as hogwash sounding words go, it's pretty weak. that is, it isn't a 'bumfuzzled' or anything like that - but gizmo! how can you think gizmo is a 3?! he's so cute!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

vestigial: /ve-stij-ee-uhl/

1. of, relating to, or constituting a vestige.
biology occurring or persisting as a rudimentary or degenerate structure.
3. your appendix

how to use in casual conversation:

"much like the coccyx, your existence has become a
vestigial structure on the body that is humanity"

not to be confused with


how it makes me feel:


that's it.

Friday, July 9, 2010


squelch: /skwelch/

–verb (used with object)
1. to strike or press with crushing force
2. to put down, suppress, or silence, as with a crushing retort or argument.
–verb (used without object)
3. to make a splashing sound.
4. to tread heavily in water, mud, wet shoes, etc., with such a sound.
5. a squelched or crushed mass of anything.
6. a splashing sound.
7. an act of squelching or suppressing, as by a crushing retort or argument.
8. Also called squelch circuit, noise suppressor. Electronics . a circuit in a receiver, as a radio receiver, that automatically reduces or eliminates noise when the receiver is tuned to a frequency at which virtually no carrier wave occurs.

bijou: /bee-zhoo/

1. a jewel.
2. something small, delicate, and exquisitely wrought.

gizmo /giz-moh/

1.A mechanical device or part whose name is forgotten or unknown

sibylline: /sib-uh-lean/

1. of, resembling, or characteristic of a sibyl; prophetic
2. mysterious

: /tan-tiv-ee/

1. at full gallop
2. swift
3. a gallop
4. (used as a hunting cry when the chase is at full speed.)

happy voting, chowderheads!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

sibylline: /sib-uh-lean/

1. of, resembling, or characteristic of a sibyl; prophetic
2. mysterious
3. this guy....

how to use in casual conversation:

"it turns out that all that whining you did last month about it 'not feeling like summer' was incredibly

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

it kinda makes me feel like i'm looking at a whale in a g-string and when i say whale i mean the water mammal not as in a mean-way-of-telling-someone-something-they-already-probably-know. that is, i don't really know what anyone expects me to do with it. it's like a set of fireplace tools when you don't own a fireplace. it's like a million spoons when all you need is a knife. no, wait, that's ironic. don't you think? actually that isn't all that ironic. that's what happens when you bring a steak to an ice cream social, you fucking twit! (no, that wasn't a typo) and btw, most of that album is uncle joey's fault.

long story short: i'd rather just use the word 'prophetic'.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


gizmo: /GIZ-moh/

1. a mechanical device or part whose name is forgotten or unknown

yay for the return of rate-a-word! happy voting! (click that if you're using reader or whatever)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

bijou: /bee-zhoo/

1. a jewel.
2. something small, delicate, and exquisitely wrought.
3. this chick......
how to use in casual conversation:

"this bar is......i dunno, it feels kind of,
bijou. much like my heart"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

to be honest, it just feels good to be back. so good in fact that i will ignore the fact that this is a fairly pedestrian word not to mention being of french origin. though i suppose that i should be grateful just to have an opportunity to use a photo of james "gollum" carville.


as previously mentioned i am back from my sabbatical and ready to rock and roll on that WOTD tip. there are going to be some changes and a new feature (to limit the days where i actually have to compose a post) so stick around/come back/tell your friends but not your mom. even though things are changing, rest assured that the poor grammar and large number of typos will remain.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

on hiatus

i need to take a break. i am finding it more and more difficult to find the time to post and i am going to step away for a while. actually, i already have. i've just now deciding to tell you. i'll be back once i have a chance to regroup and find a way to integrate posting into my routine. so slip me into your reader there so you'll know when i've figured out how to be sly and not have anyone i work with be aware of my internet activities.

ok. thanks. bye.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

regnant: /reg-nuhnt/

1. reigning; ruling
2. exercising authority, rule, or influence.
3. prevalent; widespread.

how to use in casual conversation:

"i am the regnant authority on this here dance floor, son"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

i like it. this word has marbles. (balls, moxie, gravitas, etc.) it sounds like putting your sack down. well not exactly. that kinda sounds like 'thud' but you get the point. if i was arguing with someone and they pulled out regnant, there's a good chance i would capitulate. not if you and i were arguing though. only if you do so spontaneously. if i know you read my blog, it won't work.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


foppery: /ˈfä-p(ə-)rē/

1 : foolish character or action: folly
2 : the behavior or dress of a fop

last week's result:

according to a weighted average of your votes tipple is a:


(2.2777777777777778 to be precise)

i didn't think it was that bad...nor was i impressed either. in the hands of a skilled and thoughtful individual this word could be used to do great things but in the hands of a moron it could lead to disaster. kinda like nuclear energy.

personal note:

happy birthday, sis.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


bully pulpit: /BULL-ee-PULL-pit/

a prominent public position (as a political office) that provides an opportunity for expounding one's view


plucky: /PLUHK-ee/

having or showing pluck or courage

the winner from two weeks ago:


perpend was the winner, but only by one vote. it wasn't a terribly exciting contest, i know. i think it was because neither of the words really jumped out at you, as neither was very awesome on their own. it was like watching the mariners play baltimore. yeah, somebody is gonna win, but you're still watching a couple of losers. GO MARINERS!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

habitué: /huh-bich-oo-ey/

a frequent or habitual visitor to a place

how to use in casual conversation:

"i could easily see myself becoming a
habitué of titty bars, but not until i am much, much older."

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

xenophobic. look, i don't believe that it's ok to pre-judge any person based on where they come from or look like. it's just kind of wrong. sure there are certain qualities that are unique to each culture; we all want to be part of something and sometimes the best way of doing that is to choose some arbitrary way of doing things, propagating it through the culture, eventually, collectively saying "it's just who we are". but with that said, i hate the french. not because of WWII, not because they wouldn't invade iraq, just because i hate arrogance. also (may have said this before) i used to work for a french company and let's just say i wouldn't do that again. so while i would never turn my back on french person, i can say, without reservation, fuck the french.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


tipple: /tip-uhl/

1. to drink intoxicating liquor, esp. habitually or to some excess.
2. to drink (intoxicating liquor), esp. repeatedly, in small quantities.
3. intoxicating liquor.

last week's results:

based on a weighted average of your votes, mugwump is a


(4.346153846 to be precise, not to mention the highest ranking word ever in the history of the R-A-W feature)

good job peoples.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


mugwump: /muhg-wuhmp/

1. a Republican who refused to support the party nominee, James G. Blaine, in the presidential campaign of 1884.
2. a person who is unable to make up his or her mind on an issue, esp. in politics; a person who is neutral on a controversial issue.

this was technically yesterday's word but i'm making an exception for the sake of us having a rad R-A-W this week.

last week's results:

based on a weighted average of your votes iatrogenic is a:


(3.714285714 to be precise)

i'm satisfied with the result. that's all.


perpend: /pur-puhnd/

a large stone passing through the entire thickness of a wall.
–verb (used with object)
to consider.


plagiary: /ˈplā-jē-er-ē/

: archaic one that plagiarizes
: plagiarism

results from two weeks ago:

you all decided that wastrel and alacrity are equals? you all can kiss my ghostly pale irish ass.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

vamoose: /va-moos/

to leave hurriedly or quickly; decamp.

how to use in casual conversation:

"that asshole
vamoosed with all the beer"
"sir, i'm afraid i'm going to have to ask you to
vamoose the premises"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

as my good friend would say "sexcellent". i really like this word. why? because it sounds fun. it's a fairly dismissive term but it also has a hint of whimsy to it. it's like referring to someone you think is an asshole by calling them 'fluffy' or something like that. i.e.:

"hey fluffy,

also, it's origins are reportedly rooted in the spanish "vamos" (to go) and was bastardized and folded into american culture, much like a burrito or the pervasive use of ground beef, cheese and lettuce to make tacos. lastly, the '-moose' sound is pretty prevalent here which is just an extra bonus since i borrowed 'into the wild' from the library and watched it while i was home sick today (actually yesterday, it's confusing since i'm writing this today and not yesterday) and if that poor bastard had just been able to keep those maggots off that moose meat, jon krakauer would've only been known for hating mormons. or something like that.


i've been slacking. i know. it's just that when i'm at work they kind of expect me to do work now. it's weird for me too. also, i was in vegas over the weekend celebrating my homies' bachelor party. which probably explains why i was home sick yesterday. i'm catching up. i'm sorry.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


iatrogenic: /ahy-a-truh-jen-ik/

caused by the diagnosis, manner, or treatment of a physician.

last week's result:


based on a weighted average of your votes, soi-disant is a:


(2.8 to be precise)

i didn't like this one. first of all it came from M-W and while i have in the past stated how much M-W just plain sucks, i'm revising my opinion to say that sometimes they suck. perhaps suck isn't the right word. it would be more fair to say that they aren't really considering the individual value of their WOTDs and are perhaps instead just finding ANY WOTD regardless of it's practical value. practical value matters to me which may be why they keep pissing me off.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

pellucid: /puh-loo-sid/

1. allowing the maximum passage of light, as glass
2. clear or limpid
3. clear in meaning, expression, or style

how to use in casual conversation:

"the pellucid and peaceful nature of your words was so relaxing that i couldn't help but to go right ahead and poop myself"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

i like it. we're all familiar with the word lucid and while this one is most definitely related to lucid, pellucid just sounds better even though they seem to be interchangeable. it isn't like the relationship between penultimate and ultimate where you could ignorantly use the latter term thinking it's the former but making yourself look stupid in the process. ever played penultimate frisbee? it's just like ultimate frisbee but your team always comes in second. HA! not funny...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


soi-disant: /swah-dee-ZAHNG/

self-proclaimed, so-called

last week's results:


based on a weighted average of your votes, agrestic is a:


(3.923076923 to be precise)

i would have given it a 3. it was good, but not great. it was like raul castro, not fidel. casey affleck instead of ben. jelly instead of preserves. latex, not sheepskin.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


wastrel: /wey-struhl/

1. a wasteful person
2. chiefly british.
a. refuse
b. a waif
c. an idler or good-for-nothing.


alacrity: /uh-LAK-ruh-tee/

promptness in response

last week's word winner:


i'm pretty ok with the result here. not that it was up to me, just that i agree with the result. i'm sorry, i'm not trying to argue. i'm just saying i'm glad it turned out this way. no, i don't MEAN anything by it. it's just that sometimes i don't get why people pick the words they do and this week, i did. jesus, i don't think the world revolves around me. i'm just happy. why don't you ever want me to be happy? you're only pleased when i feel like crap. that's it. wedding is off.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

empyrean: /em-puh-ree-uhn/

1. the highest heaven, supposed by the ancients to contain the pure element of fire.
2. the visible heavens

how to use in casual conversation:

"sometimes i look up to the empyrean and wonder if today will be the day the universe collapses in on itself."

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

i'm gonna go with jesusy. yes. jesusy. that's an adjective, right? a jesusy man.

jesusy: /gee-sus-ee/

of or pertaining to jesus

i never think about jesus. that's not true. i do think about jesus but in more of a "are you drinking with me jesus?" way as opposed to an "oh lord, who art in heaven..." kind of thing. i grew up in southern california and knew tons of hispanic dudes named jesus (like, 'hey-zeus') but i have never met a white guy named jesus ('gee-sus') or jesus ('hey-zeus') for that matter. but what do i know? i'm an atheist except on days when i listen to johnny cash. have i said all this before? oh well, you'll read it again anyway won't you?


if you feel inclined to write me an email telling me i'm going to hell, don't bother - i already know. thanks. toodles.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


agrestic: /uh-gres-tik/

1. rural; rustic.
2. unpolished; awkward

last week's results:

ne plus ultra

based on a weighted average of your votes, ne plus ultra is a:


(2.357142857 to be precise)

pretty sure i said all i needed to say about this last week.

speaking of agrestic:

today is april 20th. thats right, 420. which also happens to be hitler's birthday.

let me be careful and clear here - i love marijuana. i admit it. pot is, by far the best drug. BUT - it isn't the only drug, nor is it the best thing that ever happened to mankind such that it becomes advisable or acceptable to develop a one-dimensional personality based solely around the fact THAT YOU SMOKE POT!

so, today if you happen to see a bunch of scuzzy kids hanging out in a park who have nothing better to talk about besides "how rad hempfest was", remind them that there are equally as stupid people celebrating the life of a bavarian art school reject who engaged in a systematic extermination of an entire ethnic and religious group for the crime of a few of it's members not believing in his ability to paint professionally and that they aren't much better than them. ok, maybe that's a little harsh. but seriously people...don't be stupid. it’s just pot.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


pelf: /pelf/

money or wealth, esp. when regarded with contempt or acquired by reprehensible means.


scour: /skow-er/

1: to move about quickly especially in search
2: to go through or range over in or as if in a search

last week's word winner:


i was actually rooting for interlard. it sounds squishy or like a centralized marketplace for the exchange and manipulation of animal fats. which i admit is an uncomfortable thought, even for an omnivore like myself but it still sounds like fun although still somewhat gross. that is, gross in a double dare kind of way not a fear factor kind of way.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

bloviate: /bloh-vee-eyt/

to speak pompously.

how to use in casual conversation:

"i've had just about enough of your bloviation"
"hey jerkwad! bloviate me!

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

i love this one - here's why: because it could be used comically in place of felatio (see: "how to use in casual conversation"). also, who likes pompous speakers? nobody! it's good to have a word for assholes like that. actually, i'm wrong. their are people who make their livings entirely off bloviation. whatever.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


ne plus ultra

1. the highest point; acme.
2. the most intense degree of a quality or state.

last week's results:

land of nod

based on a weighted average of your votes, land of nod is a:


(2.1428571428571428571428571428571 to be precise)

turns out 'land of nod' sucks. i probably could have told you that. actually, i think i might have in the initial post. let me check.....right. i slammed it pretty good going into the contest which i usually don't do but this was a special case. i don't know what's going on over at but they're falling into the old merriam-webster "we're just going to throw you some phrase and call it a WOTD" trap. at least m-w would use only latin phrases. phrases aren't words. some words can be phrases and conversely some phrases, words but i'm pretty sure that not all phrases are words. and if my memory serves (which it usually doesn't) i got a solid 'b' in critical thinking so you should totally trust, without question, everything that i write. just don't copy and paste it without doing a spell and grammar check first...

"put that in your venn diagram and smoke it!"

Friday, April 9, 2010


interlard: /in-ter-lahrd/

1. to diversify by adding or interjecting something unique, striking, or contrasting (usually fol. by with): to interlard one's speech with oaths.
2. (of things) to be intermixed in.
3. obsolete. to mix, as fat with lean meat.


inkling: /iŋ-kliŋ/

1 : a slight indication or suggestion
2 : a slight knowledge or vague notion

last week's word winner:



this just further proves that there's no accounting for taste.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

megrim: /mee-grim/

1. low spirits
2. a whim or caprice.
3. migraine.

how to use in casual conversation:

"i know you'd like it if i was all megrim and stuff. too bad"
"on a megrim, i decided to start collecting the white hairs i periodically find in my beard"

not to be confused with:

stay grim

how it makes me feel:

this is a weird one. it gets points for obscurity which is always good but the differing definitions seem to be at odds. having low spirits and having a migraine would seem to be complementary:

"i'm megrim about this megrim" (this migraine has got me down)

nobody would look at you funny for that, right?

but throwing 'a whim' in there just makes it confusing:

"i'm megrim on a megrim" (i'm sad on a whim)


"on a megrim i gave myself a megrim" (i gave myself a skull-crushing headache because i felt like it)

if someone said that to me (and i sifted through the possible meanings to confirm they are saying what i think they're saying) the first thought that would come to mind would be something along the lines of "geez, who let the goth in?" or "cheer-up emo kid". however, using the same word twice in a sentence when it has different meanings and the same spelling would be sort of stupid to begin with so perhaps in the interest of being fair to the word i should just shut up, spell check this bad-boy and hit publish...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


land of nod: /nod/

the mythical land of sleep

i am just about fully prepared to call this an abysmal failure on the part of first of all, it's a phrase. second of all, it's kind of some hokey-ass bull-pucky. even with those two things notched up against dictionary today, it was better than tantalize which is what was offering. seriously - f' merriam-webster. f' them right in their stupid wernicke's areas. yeesh.

last week's result:


according to a weighted average of your votes popinjay is a:


(3.625 to be precise)

i didn't really like that one too much either......

Friday, April 2, 2010

slake: /sleyk/

verb (used with object)
1. to allay (thirst, desire, wrath, etc.) by satisfying.
2. to cool or refresh

3. to make less active, vigorous, intense, etc.
4. to cause disintegration of (lime) by treatment with water.

5. obsolete to make loose or less tense
verb (used without object)
6. (of lime) to become slaked.
7. archaic to become less active, intense, vigorous, etc.; abate.

how to use in casual conversation:

"i don't know if it's just because i'm getting old or what, but every time i go to a punk show i have to slake my balls when i get home"
"you're never going to dissolve that body properly if you don't slake that lime"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

well, i'm pretty indifferent about it. i'm pretty indifferent about everything today - even the weather. apparently we're expecting some hairy atmospheric action here in western washington tonight. they're even warning us about power outages. but here's the thing about seattle weather - it NEVER materializes the way they tell you it's going to. so, i'm going out drinking tonight. supposedly we're avoiding golden city ("skip the restaurant and just dare to walk through the red door"), because we always go to golden city but the drinks are strong and cheap and we aren't "crabbers" which means we have money and don't generally start fights so they like us. plus, they have pbr in a bottle which while slightly more expensive than it would be if it were on tap, is still my favorite pbr delivery vector. but then again, you wouldn't want to even think about sleeping with anyone you'd meet at golden city plus kings has $2 tall cans of rainier AND skeeball . though the crowd doesn't get a little 'bellevue' on the weekends!

a friendly note:

have a swell weekend worders and wordettes!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


hugger-mugger: /huhg-er-muhg-er/

1. disorder or confusion
2. secrecy; reticence
3. secret or clandestine.
4. disorderly or confused.
verb (used with object)
5. to keep secret or concealed.

verb (used without object)
6. to act secretly.


puerile: /pyu-r-i-l/

1: juvenile
2: childish, silly

results from two weeks ago:


by a 2-1 margin, magniloquent is the winner. in my opinion it isn't an interesting WOTD but it is by far one of the most elegant words i've come across. doesn't it just sound classy? magniloquent. say it with me...magniloquent...ahhhhh yeah.

for those of you who refuse to click out of reader - get over it!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

bedizen: /bih-dahy-zuhn/

to dress or adorn in a showy, gaudy, or tasteless manner.

how to use in casual conversation:

"what the hell makes you think it's ok to bedizen your 12-year-old daughter in victoria secret clothing and sweats with things written across their asses?"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

i'm okay with it. it isn't exactly like 'whoa!' but it isn't bad. i'd prefer it had more syllables. i was looking for a link between denizen and bedizen but it seems like a bit of a goose chase. then both end in '-zen' however, denizen is derived from the word deinz and bedizen is derived from dizen which is weird since they're anagrams of each other but don't have origins in the same time frame and one seems to appear in old and middle english but the other doesn't.

i have no idea what any of that means.

what i do know is that if i could become a bed-denizen i'd be a happy man.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


popinjay: /pop-in-jey/

1. a person given to vain, pretentious displays and empty chatter; coxcomb; fop.
2. british dialect. a woodpecker, esp. the green woodpecker.
3. archaic. the figure of a parrot usually fixed on a pole and used as a target in archery and gun shooting.
4. archaic. a parrot.

last week's results:


based on a weighted average of your votes exiguous is a :


(4.25 to be precise)

this could possibly be the highest result we've had in the short but exciting history of the RATE-A-WORD! feature. personally, i would have rather seen didactic score this high. but if i could read the pulse of a population of people i'd be president by now. well, 7 years from becoming president. damned constitutional age requirements....PONY FOR AMERICA! 2020!


i'm screwing with the format to improve readability. also, i was reviewing old posts yesterday and noticed the staggering number of typos and spelling errors. i apologize. i swear i'm not as stupid as my use of the written word would imply. i just don't do a very good job of proofreading. thank you for your patience.

Monday, March 29, 2010

uxorial: /uk-sor-ē-l/

of, relating to, or characteristic of a wife

how to use in casual conversation:

"if i felt i needed assistance of an uxorial nature, i would have stayed married"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

this one is pretty good. first of all, it's fairly esoteric. i've never heard of it and i think some of you are going to say the same thing. it's also a latin derivative which also makes me think this word is pretty ok. additionally, i was married once (i know, hard to believe) and while i'm not bitter anymore i do take every opportunity to make ex-wife jokes, because why go through the trouble of getting divorced if you can't make ex-wife jokes regardless of how accurate they are?


"fuck, it's cold today"
"yeah, but not as cold as my ex-wife"

that kind of thing.

i hope she doesn't read this blog.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

defenestrate: /-fěn'ĭ-strāt'/

to throw out of a window

how to use in casual conversation:

"i love living on the fourth floor because i can defenestrate feces at passers-by and no one knows the difference!"

not to be confused with:

not sure. help me out here...

how it makes me feel:

i love this fucking word! no seriously, i would abandon everyone of my friends if this word asked me to. i would move back to simi valley if this word asked me to. i would stop drinking and smoking and doing drugs and save all my money to buy this word a big fat ring and make it unreasonable promises about the future. i would start drinking again when this word eventually decides to rip my heart out of my chest and show it to me. i would spend months on end saying horrible things about this word to anybody who would listen. i would drunk dial it and tell it how it ruined my life. two years later i would wonder how i ever let this word hurt me so bad. that is until alacrity enters my life to remind me of my feelings for defenestrate and then there i am back where i started with a broken heart and a bottle of rye, yelling at children walking around greenlake with their parents about how they "have no idea what life is going to do to them" and exposing myself to old ladies. isn't love grand?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


exiguous: /ig-zig-yoo-uhs/

scanty; meager; small; slender

last week's result:


based on a weighted average of your votes hirsute is a:


(3.95 to be precise)

you guys were really into that one. especially people who know me in real life. i got a lot of emails and gchats telling me how hirsute i am. smartasses......

don't forget to vote yall!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


magniloquent: /mag-NIL-uh-kwunt/

speaking in or characterized by a high-flown often bombastic style or manner


cozen: /KUZ-un/

to cheat, deceive, or trick

results from two weeks ago:


yeah, the options really weren't that great. personally speaking i would have voted for licit, mainly because i like the word 'illicit'. thought i like the definition of illicit more than i like the definition of licit. licit things are boring. illicit is where it's at. you never hear anybody saying "man, i had the craziest night last night. i was doing licit drugs and drinking soda like it was nobodies business". it just doesn't happen. oh well.

reader-monkeys: don't forget to vote!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

potable: /poh-tuh-buhl/

1. fit or suitable for drinking: potable water.
2. Usually, potables. drinkable liquids; beverages.

how to use in casual conversation:

portable water? that doesn't make sense. how can water be portable? huh? potable? that doesn't make any sense!"

not to be confused with:

[see above]

how it makes me feel:

it makes me nostalgic. i don't know about any of you but i distinctly remember being confused about this word when i was a kid. i'm having a particular flashback to a giant water truck full of potable water they used to control the dust at that one boy scout jamboree when i was 11. it wasn't first time i had seen the word but it was the first time it finally sunk in that the whole word wasn't misspelling portable at that there actually was a word 'potable'. incidentally i learned today that 46% of people living in africa don't have access to potable water. that sucks.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


hirsute: /hur-soot/

1. hairy; shaggy.
2. botany, zoology. covered with long, rather stiff hairs.
3. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of hair.

results from two weeks ago:


based on a weighted average of your votes didactic is a:


(3.2 to be precise)

seriously?!?! 3?!?! didactic is an amazing word!

what is wrong with you people?!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


licit: /LISS-it/

: conforming to the requirements of the law : not forbidden by law


fealty: /fee-uhl-tee/

1. History/Historical.
a. fidelity to a lord.
b. the obligation or the engagement to be faithful to a lord, usually sworn to by a vassal.
2. fidelity; faithfulness.

last week's results:

gregarious won. by a lot. i have exactly 30 seconds before i lose my internet access at work forever. so this is a shorty.

don't forget to vote!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

eructation: /ih-ruhk-TAY-shuhn/

1. the act of belching; a belch.

how to use in casual conversation:

"i've got this massive eructation all up in me"

not be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

like a seventh grader. i.e. "haha, sean had an eructation in english class today". kinda like when we used to tell people that their "epidermis was showing" or said "hey, wanna fondle my weenis?"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


didactic: /-dak-tik/

1 a : designed or intended to teach
b : intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment
2 : making moral observations

last week's result:


based on a weighted average of your votes, fructuous is a:


(3.045454545454545454545454545 to be precise)

this one really wasn't all that exciting. it made me think of fructose which is somewhat interesting to use dorks that love biology but otherwise a generally useless thought. whatev.

don't forget to vote!

Friday, February 26, 2010

mulct: /muhlkt/

–verb (used with object)
1. to deprive (someone) of something, as by fraud, extortion, etc.; swindle.
2. to obtain (money or the like) by fraud, extortion, etc.
3. to punish (a person) by fine, esp. for a misdemeanor.
4. a fine, esp. for a misdemeanor.

how to use in casual conversation:

"i've never been mulcted quite like that before"
"i went to this party, and everyone was mulcting each other, it was awkward"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

in a word: bleggghhhh. this word is kinda gross. it reminds me of one of those really extreme sex acts involving someones rectum (damn near killed 'em) that you hear about so much about on the intertubes. it feels like it should be the name for what was happening on that 'two girls one cup' video. remember that? yeesh. not that there's anything wrong with that, i mean everybody has there own thing that they're into - but mulct feels icky to say. not only is the -lct ending awkward but the 'mu-' part just makes it feel like you just walked into a sex club to find your significant other contorted into a position you never would have though them capable, much less willing to put themselves into and surrounded by strangers doing things the marquee de sade would have been impressed with and the only thing they can manage to say to you is "we need to talk". which as we all know is one of the worst things you can hear when you're in a relationship and words that you should never say to another human being you're in a relationship with. speaking of which....

we need to talk:

right, so i got this new job. i'm excited. i'm pretty sure it's going to be fucking amazing. but my ability to blog will possibly be hampered by the fact that i might actually want to make a contribution to the overall harmony and functioning of the company i am to be working for. in other words, i think i'm gonna like this job and i don't want to screw it up by screwing off on the internet for the first hour of the day like i do now, at least not yet. so that leaves us with a few options.
  • do entries as i am able too, even if posted later in the day or if a day gets skipped here or there.
  • "what are you ambitious now!? f' your job, give me my posts!"
  • retire it - we've had a good run
  • retire it - i hate this blog anyways
  • pass it off to someone with better grammar and spelling
being that you all's entertainment is the main reason i do this, i suppose what you think matters. so up there on the left of the WOTDuh page is a poll. you're input and feedback on the matter is appreciated. thanks, and have a sweet weekend.