Friday, December 4, 2009

gallimaufry: /gal-uh-maw-free/

1. a hodgepodge; jumble; confused medley.
2. a ragout or hash.

how to use in casual conversation:

"i'd invite you in but my room is a gallimaufry of dirty laundry, pizza boxes and empty juice bottles"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

i like it or at least i like the idea of it. the only thing is that when i try to say it out loud it feels like there's cotton in my mouth and i gag a little bit. gallimau.... gallimau.... BLEHHHHHHH. that kind of thing. i don't know what else to say about it.

note from pony:

have a nice weekend. or don't. i can't really do anything about it either way and actually don't really care. well maybe a little since i went so far as to type all of this. i'm hungover.


  1. Actually, ragout -- mentioned in the definition of gallimaufry -- is a pretty interesting word in itself.

    It would seem to apply to a woman who wears her monthlies on her sleeve, would it not?

    "Man, Linda really has her ragout this month. What's up with THAT?"

  2. Excellent observation, anonmyous. Way to pick up Sean's slickity slack.
