Thursday, December 17, 2009

paroxysm: /par-uhk-siz-uhm/

1. any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotion
2. Pathology. a severe attack or a sudden increase in intensity of a disease, usually recurring periodically.

how to use in casual conversation:

"it's only around christmas that my rage filled paroxysms start to manifest"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

i'm trying to think of the most family-friendly way to say this: it makes me feel...hmmmm. let me think about this some makes me feel the urge to.......nope. whatever. it makes me horny. you heard me. this word has moxie and gumption in addition to x and y (much like my chromosomes). it's one syllable shorter than i'd like it to be but as my father used to say "never look a gift horse in the mouth". he also used to say "son, never trust a woman in spandex". he never said anything about vinyl or leather though...

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