Tuesday, October 27, 2009

punctilious: /puhngk-til-ee-uhs/

strict or exact in the observance of the formalities or amenities of conduct or actions.

how to use in casual conversation:

"the punctilious nature with which she approached life was both neurotic and boring."

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

this one is a little complicated. i am by all accounts a lazy man. while capable of great things when i try, i rarely try. and even then i do so half-heartedly. i'm just not a 'go-getter' and frankly i have little understanding of people who are. overachievers drive me nuts. in my personal experience, trying just leads to disappointment. and who likes disappointment? life is a zillion times easier when you don't expect anything from it or any of the people you encounter while living it, most especially . so while the i think punctilious is an amazing WOTD, because it is, the idea of being surrounded by punctilious people or becoming punctilious myself is unappealing. it just sounds so tiring. always following the rules. obeying all the minor formalities of courtesy and human interaction....f that. or better yet don't. sex is sooooo much freaking work. could we just smoke a joint and cuddle?

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