Monday, October 26, 2009

encomium: \en-KOH-mee-um\

glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise

how to use in casual conversation:

"feel free to shower me with encomium anytime you want"
"i've heard nothing but encomium for where the wild things are. but then again i hate everything so we'll see..."

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

ok. it's raining in seattle today. it's also the first day i don't have a car. i got rid of it. it was dead financial weight and you don't really need a car in this town. you don't really need a car anywhere, at least not in the sense that you need water or food or to go to the bathroom. but i would be willing to admit that there are some places where it's certainly helpful (i.e. the grand clusterf%&k that is the greater LA area). but i don't need mine so i gave it back and told them to bite me. well, not exactly. but legally speaking it was akin to a british middle finger - insulting but in a polite and delightful manner. it had to be the kindest repossession ever - we made an appointment and i shook the dudes hand afterward. he was very helpful. now i have nothing but encomium for riding my bicycle.

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