Tuesday, July 6, 2010

bijou: /bee-zhoo/

1. a jewel.
2. something small, delicate, and exquisitely wrought.
3. this chick......
how to use in casual conversation:

"this bar is......i dunno, it feels kind of,
bijou. much like my heart"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

to be honest, it just feels good to be back. so good in fact that i will ignore the fact that this is a fairly pedestrian word not to mention being of french origin. though i suppose that i should be grateful just to have an opportunity to use a photo of james "gollum" carville.


as previously mentioned i am back from my sabbatical and ready to rock and roll on that WOTD tip. there are going to be some changes and a new feature (to limit the days where i actually have to compose a post) so stick around/come back/tell your friends but not your mom. even though things are changing, rest assured that the poor grammar and large number of typos will remain.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I like this word. Like saying it. I even know someone who named their child Bijou (and the mother's name was Jewel). Pretty name. Pretty word. Welcome back Pony! Sorry I didn't get to see you on my Seattle visit!
