Wednesday, March 17, 2010

potable: /poh-tuh-buhl/

1. fit or suitable for drinking: potable water.
2. Usually, potables. drinkable liquids; beverages.

how to use in casual conversation:

portable water? that doesn't make sense. how can water be portable? huh? potable? that doesn't make any sense!"

not to be confused with:

[see above]

how it makes me feel:

it makes me nostalgic. i don't know about any of you but i distinctly remember being confused about this word when i was a kid. i'm having a particular flashback to a giant water truck full of potable water they used to control the dust at that one boy scout jamboree when i was 11. it wasn't first time i had seen the word but it was the first time it finally sunk in that the whole word wasn't misspelling portable at that there actually was a word 'potable'. incidentally i learned today that 46% of people living in africa don't have access to potable water. that sucks.


  1. No offense, Pony, but I just have a hard time picturing you at Boy Scout Jamboree. But I have a hard time picturing ANYONE at Boy Scout Jamboree. Just saying it reminds me of a Flintstones episode - I think Fred & Barney were camp counselors. Anyway, I don't like the word potable. I think it's just an excuse to make a new word when portable would have been just fine. Liquids DID NOT need their own word. It's like a Hallmark Holiday. But that's just my thoughts.

  2. i know it's hard to imagine, but i was a GOOD kid. i mean like 'squeeky clean' good...
