Wednesday, April 28, 2010

pellucid: /puh-loo-sid/

1. allowing the maximum passage of light, as glass
2. clear or limpid
3. clear in meaning, expression, or style

how to use in casual conversation:

"the pellucid and peaceful nature of your words was so relaxing that i couldn't help but to go right ahead and poop myself"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

i like it. we're all familiar with the word lucid and while this one is most definitely related to lucid, pellucid just sounds better even though they seem to be interchangeable. it isn't like the relationship between penultimate and ultimate where you could ignorantly use the latter term thinking it's the former but making yourself look stupid in the process. ever played penultimate frisbee? it's just like ultimate frisbee but your team always comes in second. HA! not funny...

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