Monday, November 30, 2009

tristful: /'trist-fel/

sad, melancholy

how to use in casual conversation:

"that ride to work this morning sure felt tristful"

not to be confused with:


how it makes me feel:

it certainly appears to be an appropriate entry for a day such as this one. you know what i'm talking about. the monday after a long weekend where that one or two well deserved and well placed days off results which reminded you what it was like to not constantly feel like some kind of desk surfing robot only to just as swiftly return to the desk of your discontent to be reminded of 'oh sweet jesus' how much you hate your job. maybe that's just me.

an apology:

sorry about last week. i was on a pseudo-vacation visiting family in california. i had every intention of posting through wednesday but i was a little bruised and hungover on tuesday and my primary occupation on wednesday morning was getting a burrito from campos. then there was the xbox. i logged something like 10 hours on assassin's creed 2 which was an odd feeling since i haven't spent that much time playing video games in something like 2 years. but it was a good reminder of how pedestrian and boring my life used to be and made me that much more grateful for the life and friends i have here in seattle so it wasn't all bad but either was i apologize.

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