Friday, January 22, 2010

mrs. grundy: /MISS-uz-GRUN-dee/

one marked by prudish conventionality in personal conduct

how to use in casual conversation:

"stop being a mrs. grundy and take your pants off"

not to be confused with:

mrs. bundy

how it makes me feel:

it would be kind of funny were it not so sad. lets run with the funny. hahahahaha. it isn't a word. hahahahaha. it's a name. hahahahaha at best a phrase. hahahahahaha. it's an obscure reference to a late 18th century play. hahahahahaha. merriam-webster fails again.

i actually went to to see if they had an entry for this, which they kind of did. but they didn't try to pass off the phrase version. in my opinion this qualifies as guff, guff of an unacceptable sort. i'm actually thinking of organizing a letter writing campaign to m-w out of honest concern for the low quality of their WOTDs. for their sake i hope i get ultra lazy like i do about most things and it just goes down as another really good idea that i didn't do anything about, instead spending my hours watching dr. who spin-offs and smoking pot. oh yeah and knitting. don't forget the knitting.

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