Wednesday, January 6, 2010

flibbertigibbet: /flib-er-tee-jib-it/

1. a chattering or flighty, light-headed person.
2. archaic. a gossip.

how to use in casual conversation:

"that girl is such a flibbertigibbet"

not to be confused with:

turkey giblets

how it makes me feel:

in a word, i'm flabbergasted. this is one of those words where you go "that's a word? huh. no shit." it sounds a lot like some nonsense word someone would try to slip in to scrabble game. it also sounds like some euphemism that your great-grandma would use for referring to a vagina. "don't let any boys be touching your flibbertigibbet" -or- "now don't you be running around chasing flibbertigibbet, find yourself a nice girl". anyway, this is one of those amazing nonsense words that would fit nicely into my new idiolalia of slipping double b's into the center of words i.e. i'vbbe bebben thinbbking abbbout goibbng babbck to schbbool bbbut i habbte makbbing cobbmmitmebbnts.


  1. Oh YEAH -- this is a great one. This is one of those words that I REALLY want to keep in my active vocabulary, but it keeps leaking out. (I manage to keep "fussbudget" in there, but that's fewer syllables so it's easier to retain.)

    For added fun, use it in "the act of being one" form (I'm sure there's some grammatical name for it), i.e. "flibbertigibbetry."

    "Young lady, if you don't cease your infernal flibbertigibbetry, I shall surely suffocate you in your sleep tonight."

    Good stuff!

  2. Haven't you ever seen The Sound of Music? It's what the nuns call Maria.

  3. I think it sounds like a Willy Wonka word. And what's with the "Learn how to talk to hot women" ad to the left? Pu-Leeze!
