Tuesday, September 15, 2009


1. laborious work, study, thought, etc., esp. at night.
2. the result of such activity, as a learned speech or dissertation.
3. Often, lucubrations. any literary effort, esp. of a pretentious or solemn nature.

how to use in casual conversation:

"suddenly it became clear that this project may require some lucubration"
"the massive ball of rubber bands was a pitiful lucubration to his insomnia"

not to be confused with:

how it makes me feel:

it's another good WOTD from dictionary.com i usually have very few complaints against them. i believe i have said before that they are fairly consistent with the good WOTDs. not like MW.

HOWEVER - i have also said before that MW is a mixed bag. yes they throw you some pretty wonky crap, but sometimes they give you something good. today they had something good. not as good as dictionary, but i felt it appropriate to give MW a nod today.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like a word like this would almost universally be confused with "lubrication", as you've mentioned in the "not to be confused with" section.
