Monday, September 21, 2009


lukewarm or indifferent in religion or politics

how to use in casual conversation:

"i'm uncomfortable voting for a mayoral candidate who previously demonstrated a laodicean attitude toward local affairs"
"i wouldn't call you ignorant, you're just kinda laodicean"

not to be confused with:

laodamia (yeah i know, this one was a stretch)

how it makes me feel:

given my options today, laodicean seemed like the better route. it's fairly obscure, odd spelling and phonetics. and quite frankly equivocate is not a good WOTD but we'll get to that in a minute.

i have to say there is something about this word that bothers me. i won't go into the specifics because there's two things you don't talk about in mixed company and i routinely hint at one of those two things on this blog and i'm trying to be inclusive. but personal prejudices aside, it is a good WOTD.

editorial note:

it's a very human tendency to assume that what is going on in our own little universes translates across the cosmos and to every other living creature we encounter, but it seems like a lot of weird things have been happening. everyday since last thursday has involved some weird bass-ackwards thing going on. again, not going into specifics but the last 5 days have been filled with overwhelmingly improbable events coming to fruition - set to a personal soundtrack of the sleater-kinney discography. and then, MW drops the preferable WOTD over am i the only one who feels a disturbance in the force? does this have something to do with the equinox? am i alone here or what?

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