Wednesday, April 7, 2010

megrim: /mee-grim/

1. low spirits
2. a whim or caprice.
3. migraine.

how to use in casual conversation:

"i know you'd like it if i was all megrim and stuff. too bad"
"on a megrim, i decided to start collecting the white hairs i periodically find in my beard"

not to be confused with:

stay grim

how it makes me feel:

this is a weird one. it gets points for obscurity which is always good but the differing definitions seem to be at odds. having low spirits and having a migraine would seem to be complementary:

"i'm megrim about this megrim" (this migraine has got me down)

nobody would look at you funny for that, right?

but throwing 'a whim' in there just makes it confusing:

"i'm megrim on a megrim" (i'm sad on a whim)


"on a megrim i gave myself a megrim" (i gave myself a skull-crushing headache because i felt like it)

if someone said that to me (and i sifted through the possible meanings to confirm they are saying what i think they're saying) the first thought that would come to mind would be something along the lines of "geez, who let the goth in?" or "cheer-up emo kid". however, using the same word twice in a sentence when it has different meanings and the same spelling would be sort of stupid to begin with so perhaps in the interest of being fair to the word i should just shut up, spell check this bad-boy and hit publish...


  1. megrim, I don't understand you, are you a NOUN or an ADJECTIVE? I want to use you but I need to know your intentions first.

  2. Megrim told me to tell you he's whatever you want him to be (baby) and he's sorry for the confusion.

    Personally, id like to apologize for megrim's misogyny.

