Tuesday, August 25, 2009



empyreal vs. truckle

jerry's dead. phish sucks. empyreal isn't a good word. get a job.

truckle sounds like some harry potter word.

maybe i'm being a little harsh on empyreal. it's just that it's tuesday and i don't know about you but i'm tired. i looked at empyreal and thought 'oh geez, i'm going to have to come up with some highfalutin poetic crap about stars'. i'm not against highfalutin poetic crap about stars - i just don't feel like generating it today. truckle is just an icky word. unlike words that end in -ck, which are general some of the best, words that end in -ckle feel like something that leaks out of you after a -ck word has had it's way with you. see what i mean? icky.

for youz peoples that see this is reader:

don't forget to go to the site to vote for the lesser of these two words.

word of the duh homepage


  1. I like truckle. It makes me chuckle.

  2. I think the definition of empyreal is wonderful. It make me like the word. Yet, it doesn't roll off the tongue easily, and I fear it may be confused with imperial if I use it in a conversation. Therefore, truckle, with its weaker meaning, but wonderful mouth-feel and fun-to-say-ness wins!

  3. i'll give truckle some props as a word, just not as a WOTD...
