Tuesday, February 23, 2010


fructuous: /fruhk-choo-uhs/

productive; fertile; profitable

i guess dictionary is on an 'f-word' kick this week. yesterday they had fractious so i'm kind of interested to see where this one ends up taking us. it should be noted that the real 'f-word' is one of the greatest entries i have ever seen on dictionary or MW and everyone should take a look at it, not to mention slip it into speech whenever possible.

last week's result:


based on a weighted average of your votes, parlous is a:


(3.9375 to be precise)

i personally wasn't that impressed with parlous. i'm not sure why but it made me think of sarah palin. i don't get it either. so, i don't know if that's why i wasn't that into it or if it was because it felt a little banal (to me - i'm not judging). but you guys seemed to like it and that's what is important.

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